If you’re thinking of building a new home, you probably have a lot of questions about the ins and outs of the building. You may be asking yourself how roof joints are put together, or what goes into insulating an attic space. That’s great! When building a new home, or any other structure, you should ask as many questions as possible. It’s crucial to understand the details if you’re going to be a responsible homeowner or new construction builder. One question that comes up often has to do with insulation, and that’s a question that’s pretty easy to put to rest. Read on to learn about whether new construction projects need insulation just in the roof or in the wall cavities as well.

Keep the cool or warm air in.

If you wanted to live in a tent or a yurt, you’d do so. Instead, you’ve opted to be a homeowner. Plus, you’re not just a homeowner—you’re opting for a new build that will be the home of your dreams. Well, one thing that probably doesn’t appear in your dreams is air leakage that keeps your new home cold in the winter and sweltering in the summer. A chilly house that lacks insulation in the winter can get you and your family members so sick that they need medical attention and rack up a pile of medical bills as high as your ceiling. That’s not what you want in a new home, is it?

Insulation, usually in the form of foam that’s sprayed into the wall cavity, keeps your home warm during cold climates. Air leakage is avoided by proper insulation, which means more energy efficiency for your home as well. There’s a lot of reasons why buildings have insulation on the walls, and one main one is to keep you healthy during hot and cold climates and to maintain energy efficiency in your new home.

Maintain a home you can relax, and even heal, in.

Your new home is more than just a residential building—it’s a haven. In other words, it should be the place you go to feel that you can heal in the case of a cold, a headache, back pain, or any serious injury. For example, if you’re a motorcyclist, you know that motorcycle accidents are only too common in the United States. You may even have found yourself looking up 3 steps to take for back pain after a motorcycle accident and making plans for a personal injury claim to your insurance company in order to cover the cost of medical bills.

If this is the case, you want to know that you hired builders and installers for your new build who will put in proper insulation. A motorcycle accident is bad enough—sitting in a frigid living room because your lack of insulation is causing heat loss makes the back pain along your spine far less bearable.

Insulation keeps you both cozy and safe.

It’s not just about avoiding heat loss or heat transfer in the cold climates and cold transfer during the summer months; you don’t want any moisture or condensation building up in your new build either. Moisture can lead to mold or mildew, which is both toxic (in the case of black mold) and can cause structural problems if beams and studs start to rot. Regardless of the weather, it’s important to maintain insulation of the proper thickness in the walls is dangerous to the actual structure of your residential building as well. Take the time to ask builders and installers about the insulation material they’re choosing, and point out any gaps you see that may later be a favorite spot for condensation to accumulate.

In sum, taking care of the insulation in your new home is just as important as getting medical care for broken bones. The insulation in the walls is sort of like your home’s bones—without proper insulation, the occupants of any building aren’t safe because the structure won’t stand up to the weather.