A solid marketing calendar means that your business is busy! The pace of marketing campaigns and your company’s marketing calendar are two areas in which you can really judge growth and earnings potential. If you aren’t advertising and working hard to reach out to new prospective clients then you aren’t selling. The market is full of industries that can perform services similar to yours — just search through social media to find direct and related competitors that relate to your brand’s marketing activities. But marketing is all about highlighting the minute differences that make you and your brand special.

This is the hidden hand behind the sales growth that you hope to see, so if you aren’t reaching out to contact new customers then you aren’t doing it right. Thankfully, marketing isn’t totally alien to any of us. If you’re not already in this game, expanding your brand’s internal services to include a marketing team is a pretty straightforward task. Follow these tips to unlock your brand’s earning potential by building or expanding a marketing team within your operation.

Implement software package upgrades.


Using the tools available to you is the best way to ensure that your brand is continuing to grow. Marketing tools, like a marketing calendar or custom PowerPoint templates for client presentations, offer fantastic ways to build a marketing plan from the ground up that works for your business’ needs.

A marketing calendar in particular offers a powerful and compact solution to many of the workflow issues you may be seeing within the office and your marketing team more specifically. Oftentimes, this segment of the overall team has to contend with a concrete plan to deliver tangible content while bouncing around grand ideas that don’t easily distill down into a 30-second commercial, Facebook ad, or highway billboard. The software package that allows for a marketing calendar, a marketing plan and marketing-activity integration is an agile solution that professionals rely on for streamlining their business operations.

With marketing calendar resources, you can collate budgeting documents, advertising campaign material, contact details for clients and downstream market spaces, and much more. The option to bring all of these core marketing functionalities under one umbrella is perhaps the best thing you can do to develop and deploy your overall marketing plan.

Don’t discount client meetings.


A marketing team is at its best when presenting information to clients or data users within the organization itself. Marketing presentations can take on many forms, but professionals in the marketing space know exactly how to make the largest splash when they enter the conference room. It takes a careful eye for detail to learn how to dress for a business meeting without looking stuffy, but doing your homework in this area will take you incredibly far.

The truth is, your image says a lot about how trustworthy you are as a representative of your company or department. Making a good first impression and building upon that foundation is crucial for creating successful partnerships that grow with time. Presenting yourself as a timely, well-kept, and knowledgeable individual is the best and only way to constantly foster great relationships between your firm and the clients and vendors that you do business with. A blazer, slacks, button-down shirt, cardigan, or tasteful sweater is often a great start, but make sure you strike a healthy balance between comfort and style.

In the current climate of Covid-19 lockdowns and working from home, dressing up may not be the only tool in your arsenal, in fact, while dressing for success is a proven method in face-to-face meetings while contacting clients through your screen it may be far more advantageous to brush up on your facts and figures instead.

Full knowledge of the business processes and a command of the use cases and functions of the products you are working to sell will stick to you as you work to continue your career from the safety and comfort of your home during this uncertain time.