If you’re considering giving up your timeshare, you may wonder what will happen if you stop paying. If you stop paying your timeshare, the developer or management company can take legal action to recover the money owed. This may include filing a lawsuit, seeking a court order to seize your assets, or garnishing your wages. Additionally, the credit rating of those who stop making payments on their timeshares can be damaged, making it more difficult to obtain future loans or credit cards. Keep reading to learn more about what happens if I stop paying my timeshare.

What should I do if I don’t want to pay for my timeshare anymore?


When you purchase a timeshare, you essentially buy into an ownership stake in the property. As such, you are responsible for making all the payments on that share, just as if you owned the entire thing outright. If you stop making those payments, the other owners have a right to step in and take over your portion of the investment. This can dilute your initial interest in the property and may even result in you losing your stake altogether.

If you’re delinquent on your timeshare payments, the resort may turn the account over to a collections agency. This will negatively impact your credit score and may make it difficult to borrow money or make other large purchases in the future. In some cases, the resort may sue you to collect the debt. A judgment against you can damage your credit score even more and make it difficult to find housing or a job.

Whatever you do, don’t ignore your timeshare payments. Not only will you get behind on your debt, but you’ll also damage your credit score, making it harder to get back on track. Take some time to evaluate your finances and find a payment plan that works for you.

What are some tips for avoiding scams when canceling a timeshare?

When canceling a timeshare, it’s essential to be aware of the many scams that exist. Many scam artists promise to help cancel a timeshare contract in exchange for a fee but never deliver on their promise. Others may require up-front payment before they will start working on your behalf but then disappear with the money.

Before canceling a timeshare, research any company or individual you consider working with. Check with the Better Business Bureau and other consumer protection groups to ensure that any organization you hire is reputable. Never pay anything until the cancellation process is complete and you have received written confirmation from the company that they have successfully canceled your timeshare agreement.

What will happen if I don’t pay my timeshare payments?


When you purchase a timeshare, you enter a contract with the resort or company that sold it. This contract stipulates that you will make periodic payments to maintain your property ownership. If for some reason, you can no longer make these payments, the resort or company has the right to cancel your timeshare contract and take back the property. There are a few things you can do to try and avoid this, such as filing for bankruptcy or negotiating a repayment plan with the resort. Still, in most cases, they will eventually cancel your timeshare if you stop making payments.

The resort may initiate foreclosure proceedings if you cannot keep up with your timeshare payments. In some cases, the alternative may allow you to sell or transfer your timeshare ownership, but in other cases, the resort may take possession of the property. If the resort takes control of your timeshare, it will be sold at a public auction. If the property does not sell at auction, it will be re-sold by the resort.

Stopping payments on a timeshare can have serious consequences. Not only may the owner face legal penalties, but they may also lose access to the property and be unable to sell it.